Friday 20 May 2011

Fun with After Effects ...

As it is the end of the academic year and I'm already finding myself bored I made this quick clip using After Effects >> check it out!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Final Animation Short!

Here's the final product of our hard work ... really proud of my group ... hope you enjoy :) (just follow the youtube link below >>>)

Friday 13 May 2011

More good news ...

Not only is our film being used for the DVD title menu but now a still from our film is being used for the invites which are to be sent out to industry ... so so happy and proud of my group!

Film is complete!

We have done it! ... We have finished our film in time for hand in and it is such an amazing feeling. I have loved working in a group with my close friends as I thought we worked really well together with Phil directing and animating, Josh on modelling and lighting, Dan on sound design and myself on concept and textures. Although I have learnt that it is important for everyone to pull their own weight in the group and have everyone working equally. I would love to work with this group again as they are not only my best friends but amazing at what they do ... well done guys! x

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Everything is finally coming together ...

Here is a sneak peek of afew stills of the final render of our film ...

Tuesday 10 May 2011


It has been a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions today ~ had some feedback from Neil which didn't go down too well but this was short lived as we got told that our main character STV would be used for the DVD title menu!

Friday 6 May 2011

Raster Tests

Playing around with the tv scenes in after effects which will eventually be put onto the tv screens in maya as an image sequence ...

Tuesday 3 May 2011


The end is near, Phil has finished all the animation and we are all getting so excited because we are seeing what the final product will look like and it is mindblowing to think we all started from nothing and achieved so much ...

I am making the credits for the film and creating them in after effects. I have always been scared of using after effects but after watching some tutorials and having a play around with it it has become my new favourite progam!! I love after effects and I am really pleased with the final outcome of the credits ...

Development of credits ...

Final credits ... although the quality of the videos on here are really bad I can asure you the final piece looks AMAZING!

Sunday 10 April 2011

Textures ...

Here are some of my texture UV maps for the backgrounds, characters and image based lighting ...